
Dear YouDig?

Dear YouDig?

We are a commercial design builder. We strive for greatness in all of our work. Even still we end up with complaints and a ton of close out issues on virtually every project. I know, that is the norm. The time wasted is maddening. Certain members of our counsel are in favor of paying off everyone and avoiding litigation even if the owner is wrong.  Where is the threshold for swallowing our pride and caving?


Dear Tired,

Are you a lion or a lamb? Winners stand proud behind their product!  You know you will always have punch list items to address on every project … it’s part of the deal.  Don’t get pushed to quit near the end just to avoid a fight or before you know it you will have a culture of caving and be that sorry little lamb that gets shorn at the end of every project.  Always own your mistakes and honor your warranties but make sure that if your clients want to give you an unsupported trim, they know they have to go through the LION. The  proud, just, strong and talented lion! Set up a close out team with that attitude and don’t be a coward. Work toward a culture that owns its mistakes but fights for what is right.

John Swansinger is the author and founder of YouDig and is a partner in Buckingham, Doolittle & Burrough, LLC‘s real estate and construction practice group. He works with contractors, developers and construction owners on construction law issues including construction contracts, commercial agreements, construction litigation, subcontractor issues, insurance liability, breach of contract and more. He can be reached at or 216.615.7356.

YouDig is an online resource that connects the construction community with vital issues affecting the industry and is a component of the business law firm Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC that is specifically geared toward construction.
