Yes indeed my nautical friend, the cold winds of bureaucracy blow strong when it comes to waterfront construction. Before you dock you will have to sail past a gauntlet of federal, state and local regulations designed to assess the impact on clean water, fishing, swimming, boating, nearby beaches, property values, animal habitat and local construction and design standards. Let’s not forget your chatty and nosy neighbor who may say “not so much” to your schematic. The cherry on top is the significant engineering and design costs (and RE-engineering and RE-design costs).
Simultaneously, you will have to obtain state and local permits for your shore structure, coastal erosion, flood plain issues and possibly other issues that may arise depending on the circumstances of your shoreline, Lee. Still not discouraged? Hire a contractor familiar with the process and start writing checks. Learn the language a bit so you don’t sound like a chump. Make sure you also educate yourself on the regulations (http://coastal.ohiodnr.gov/permits). Soon it will be anchors away and leeward ho indeed! YouDig?