Dear YouDig? Archives
Change Orders
Change Orders
Dear YouDig?,
We are a commercial plumbing contractor and take pride that we don’t often end up in disputes with our customers. Even still, the management of change orders are the bane of our existence on the fast-paced, high intensity projects we work on. Virtually every time we sign a contract it includes a specific procedure for owner’s change orders which we expect to follow. In practice, the written procedure is rarely followed and we are often asked to perform extra work without a signed change order or risk losing favor with the general contractor. Our time and effort often goes down the drain. When we fight to get paid later the GCs will often point to the written contract and deny the verbal change. Is there any way for us to get paid if the general contractor deviates from the contract and orders additional work without a signed change order? Ch-Ch-Ch Changes
Pretty Good Ideas
Pretty Good Ideas
Dear YouDig?,
We are a general contractor and we have been facing adversity for years it seems. Litigation?, Always a threat. The issues rarely repeat themselves and it is extremely taxing on our team from top to bottom to try to prove every dollar we are entitled to on our jobs. Are there any changes in our philosophy that we can implement that might help us avoid or minimize these expensive and annoying disputes? Always in the Ring.