
Dear YouDig? Archives


Drones – An Ode to Free Bird

Drones – An Ode to Free Bird

Dear YouDig?

We are a multi-state shopping center developer. For years now, we have used drones to fly over our projects and obtain useful information quickly, cheaply and safely. We have never had an incident of any kind and want to expand the practice. Now we see the FAA nosing into the private use of drones. We have never so much as considered applying for a license. Is this for real?

-Buzzing Along By the Seat of Our Pants


Are You Prepared for a Millennial Workforce?

Are You Prepared for a Millennial Workforce?

Dear YouDig?

We are a design build firm. We have a veteran team of professionals. We are realizing that these vets may want to retire someday so, we have hired a series of up-and-coming professionals, but we seem to be having trouble keeping them around.  They don’t seem to have the patience to climb the corporate ladder. How do we attract and keep these younger pros while maintaining the culture that made us so successful?

-Millennials Are Sure Hip


Liquidated Damages – Fire and Brimstone or Useful Club?

Liquidated Damages – Fire and Brimstone or Useful Club?

Dear YouDig?

Our plant expansion must be completed on time. We need a club to keep the design builder’s feet to the fire. Do liquidated damage provisions really work and hold up under scrutiny?

-Cave Man


Clear-as-Mud Indemnity Clauses

Clear-as-Mud Indemnity Clauses

January 10, 2017

Dear YouDig?

Learning Mandarin Chinese would be easier than understanding the indemnity clauses that come at us every day on every job. We try to limit our exposure, but we are often at the mercy of our customer, a bank or the clock. We just want to do a good job. If we make a mistake, insurance should cover us, right? Why can’t there be standardization so all parties can at least know what to expect? We feel exposed to the “Gotcha.” The battle of the forms is a fierce tug of war.

-Pulled in the Mud


YouDig? Year in Review

 YouDig? Our First Year In Review.

Hey there 2016!
We are grateful to experience you !
We thank you for every single solitary blessing, bestowed on us, large or small.
We thank you for our lessons.
We remember our losses.
We honor and respect the tough good-byes.

It has been an amazing first year – YouDig?
Thank you to the thousands who have read our bi-weekly column since our launch in May.
Thank you to the many more who have utilized our website to connect.
We intend to forge ahead to continue to provide you a spirited means of learning, focusing on the important issues and connecting with the Buckingham real estate and construction community.

Wishing You a Fulfilling and Prosperous 2017 – YouDig?