Dear YouDig? Archives
The Whistleblower – Do Snitches Get Ditches?
By John Swansinger, Partner in the Real Estate and Construction Practice Group at
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Dear YouDig?
We are an Ohio road construction contractor and one of our employees just made a ridiculous claim that we are violating the Ohio workplace safety laws. False! We are a successful and honest company that pays well and we maintain standards higher than legally required to protect our workers. Now, this fool is taking us down the rabbit hole. How do we mitigate the odyssey?
-Safe and Sound
Respect the Check
By John Swansinger, Partner in the Real Estate and Construction Practice Group at
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Dear YouDig,
Good News – our amazing sales team just sold another huge contract! Bad News – the Buyer dumped ridiculously one-sided terms and conditions on us. Our negotiation efforts were met with “do you want the work or not?” We are happy to stand by our work but these terms go too far. How do we make a deal?
-Rock and Hard Place
Truth is truth
By John Swansinger, Partner in the Real Estate and Construction Practice Group at
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Dear YouDig?
We are the prime electrical contractor on a very large industrial project. Simply put, the owner’s construction manager has been a nightmare. All aspects of the project are extremely contentious, at times, closing in on fisticuffs. He has repeatedly harassed our team while they are working like some sort of slave master or 1950’s football coach. Angry flare ups and vicious name calling dominate every job meeting. He accuses our veteran project manager of incompetency and refers to him only as the “Stooge” during every job meeting. He even kicked over the coffee table in our trailer during one of his rages! To say the least, the project manager wants to take matters into his own hands. We are all sick of this jerk but we still have 50% of our scope to wrap up. We expect a war to break out over the last pay application. What can we do to shore up our chances of getting paid?
-Fed Up
Cardinal Change Doctrine: The Great Escape
By John Swansinger, Partner in the Real Estate and Construction Practice Group at
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Dear YouDig?,
We have a big problem. We won a contract to build a new army base. The Army’s construction manager has issued countless unilateral changes that are upsetting our work. The base we thought we were building is now turning into the Taj Mahal. The constant changes to get there are killing our productivity. In some cases we don’t have the capacity to perform or the time within the contract to complete it. If we keep trying to pacify the Feds, we would go under. We are headed for a showdown. We want to tear up this contract and start over.
-Sweating It
Beware the Feller Buncher
By John Swansinger, Partner in the Real Estate and Construction Practice Group at
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Dear YouDig?,