Dear YouDig? Archives
Island Time
Dear YouDig?
We build interstates. We always have a need for good hard working laborers. Yesterday the hall sent us four workers. The first one to walk in was a Rastafarian sporting a wrist full of colorful hemp bracelets and dread locks hanging long down his back (btw – an odd look with a construction hat). The other three were bald. I told him, “You want to work? Tie up the dreads, and take off the bracelets. We don’t want those locks getting caught in one of our conveyors. Could realllly slow down the job… You know what I mean?” He didn’t like my conditions and went home. Today I received a complaint from the hall… something about his religious freedom. He has to follow our rules…right?
-Not Living On Island Time
Pigs get roasted

The Power of cookies. I’ll take 3, YouDig?

Must be done on time? Don’t get burned!
Dear YouDig?
We decided to expand our plant to meet the needs of a major international customer. This is a game changer for us. We MUST have the expansion completed within 10 months in order to meet the client’s demands or WE LOSE THE DEAL. We are about to sign off on a construction contract. What can we do to assure that contractor finishes on time.
-Hot Seat
Millennials and The Future of Skilled Labor
Millennials and The Future of Skilled Labor
Dear YouDig?,
We are finding it extremely difficult to find quality workers in specialized trades. Our design team finds some amazing designs to install for our clients and we also find some specialized materials. Then we have trouble securing quality specialized installers. Ultimately, we end up with budget issues, delays or sloppy workmanship that puts us at odds with our customer. What is causing this?
-Got Talent?