Dear YouDig? Archives
The Abominable Ate My Project – Builder’s Risk Insurance
Dear YouDig?
We are thrilled to be adding a four story children’s wing to our hospital. Construction was progressing well and near completion. Last week a blizzard with sub-zero temperatures blew through. When we returned to the site after the storm it looked like the abominable snow man wreaked havoc on our new wing. Power went out. Pipes froze and burst on the top floor. Windows were smashed. Part of the roof detached. There was massive water damage on the fourth floor … and the third floor … and the second floor … and the first floor. The basement was an icy lake. It looks like months before we can open up. Our insurance advisor says Builder’s Risk insurance should cover this. What do you say?
– Ice Man
Don’t Hire Pinocchio – He Lies.
Dear YouDig?,
Seriously, we run into contractors that will lie, lie, lie and then after taking a breath will lie some more. They did the work. They followed specs. They received verbal authority. They have the troops. They can meet the deadline. We get stuck burning precious time deciphering their line of **** instead of working out our project. The lies often turn into a bizarre 2-3 year legal odyssey. How do you deal with a liar up front?
-Truth Seeker
Trust – but verify
Dear YouDig?
We are a well-established and successful multi-national manufacturer. We sought to hire a certain specialty construction firm to be general contractor for several of our plant expansions. Well, we started exchanging contract language and out of nowhere, they demanded that we give “reasonable evidence of our financial arrangements” up front. They also want to look over our shoulder while the project is progressing. This really puts our management team off as the last thing we need is our contractor having tailor made excuses to slow down the work to find “reasonable evidence.” Are we being worked over?
-No Financial Leverage
Build Your Community One Vote at a Time

You want change? Be a catalyst, educate yourself and VOTE.
You want status quo? Be a catalyst, educate yourself and VOTE.
You want consensus or influence? Yep. You guessed it. BE A CATALYST, EDUCATE YOURSELF AND YOUR COLLEAGUES … AND VOTE.
Honorable humans:
Don’t repeat lies! (VOTE)
Don’t hate! (VOTE)
Are too smart for hyperbole! (VOTE)
Respect their adversaries! (VOTE)
Seek intelligent discourse and debate! (VOTE)
When you are right and your issue or candidate wins? Respect the losers, honor the process and then do it all again next time.
When you are wrong and your issue or candidate loses? Respect the winners, honor the process and do it all again next time.
Dear YouDig?,
We are a subcontractor and we pride ourselves on being ethical and fair in all aspects of our business. Why is it then that we seem to end up getting burned by dishonest, shady, disgusting creeps? A liar about change orders. A forged check. Overstatements on their ability to do the job. Revisionist historians. Offensive idiots that are generally disgusting to be around.
What is happening in this world and what can we do about it?
-Creep Buster