Dear YouDig? Archives
How to Avoid Close Out Chaos
Rio Olympics
Dear YouDig?,
We are here in Rio. That’s right… Rio De Janeiro. Years ago we were presented with the opportunity (misfortune or good fortune tbd) of being part of the construction team building an arena, athlete housing and a portion of the media center for the 2016 Summer Olympics. For years now we managed to meet ridiculous deadlines while also dealing with the construction standards that are, frankly rubbish: the Zika bug, dirty water, unmotivated workers and, shall we say, an “unorthodox” bureaucratic gauntlet. Finally, on August 5th, the eve of the opening ceremonies, we turned over the project to the Brazilian government. How should we celebrate this monumental accomplishment?
– Her Name Was Lola
Design Builder – Style Points
Dear YouDig?
We are a design builder with jobs throughout Ohio and the Midwest. We have noticed an increase in workplace discrimination and hostility on many of the jobs we are running. This is definitely not our style but seems uncontrollable. What responsibility, if any do we have to eliminate or reduce the risk of this becoming a problem for us or our clients? Style Points.
Shocked – Electric Contractor
Get Paid
Dear YouDig?
We are an electric subcontractor and for years we worked all over Ohio. We are happy to get the work but so often we can’t get paid. Seems like the little guy always gets stiffed. What are we doing wrong? – Shocked.
Celebrating 5 Years
Dear “Dear YouDig?” Readers,
Today we celebrate our 5 year anniversary of launching Dear YouDig?
From day one, the goal of YouDig? was, is and will always remain “Construction and Connectivity.” While we don’t even own a shovel, we strive to play our part in identifying issues, bringing industry players together and having fun.
We love to see things built!
Thank you for your loyalty and readership along the way. The best is yet to come for all!
/s/ John Swansinger,
Founder YouDig?Author Dear YouDig?
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Give me a shout: 216-615-7356 … Let’s chat!